Thursday, April 10, 2014

A new friend

She was raised in North Dakota.  Both her parents are of German descent.  She met her husband.  His family's from Tennessee and Kentucky, "a good ol' southern boy."  He said he saw her and immediately knew that he would marry her.  He went to Germany for the war.  Phone calls were expensive.  Over three months, they spoke twice.  He returned, they were married, and she went to Germany with him.  Hardest year of their marriage, she says.  But they really got to know each other.  Complete isolation, no family around.  Eventually, they returned.  Now they live in Georgia.  And they've been married for 40-something years.

She said she never had a major liking to vegetables.  She grew up with two German parents!  Her mom's idea of vegetables were white navy beans cooked like baked beans.  Or sauerkraut.  Her husband, of Tennessee-Kentucky origin, however, absolutely loves vegetables.  He'll take extensive time in his soups.  Lentils, dried peppers from the market down the street, and every vegetable you can imagine.  "I always tell him just make enough for you, because I am just not gonna eat that.  I'll eat a salad, but I won't eat what he makes."

She makes me laugh.  Beautiful, this woman.  She's soon to be my ex-coworker.  But today, her was a breath of fresh air.

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